Vaginal prolapse or pelvic organ is a common condition which increases in prevalence with advancing age and a higher number of vaginal births. Due to laxity of or damage to the ligaments and other tissues which keep the pelvic organs in their correct place, structures such as the bladder, uterus and/or bowel protrude into the vagina. This may result in symptoms such as a sensation of a vaginal lump or mass protruding from the vagina, difficulty emptying the bladder, constipation or sexual dysfunction. Though these problems occur in 10% of the population only symptomatic prolapses require treatment.

For some women it will be suitable to try a vaginal pessary instead of prolapse surgery. Pessaries may be suitable for women who wish to avoid surgery or who are not medically fit to undergo the procedure. A vaginal pessary is a rubber device which is inserted into the vagina and supports the vaginal walls. As a result the lax vaginal tissues cannot protrude into the vaginal canal and the normal anatomical position is restored

Since each woman’s vaginal size, degree and type of prolapse differs significantly an appropriate type and size pessary must be used. During pessary fitting, various pessaries are placed until the desired effect is reached. You will then simulate various daily activities with the pessary in place to ensure it doesn’t fall out, is comfortable to you and lastly doesn’t restrict your normal bodily functions. Once the correct pessary is found, your personal pessary will be ordered for you, this usually takes less than 3 days. During your consultations, you or your caregiver will be taught how to remove, sanitise and reinsert the device for yourself. Should this prove problematic, pessary changes may also be performed in the office.

If you would like to book a consultation regarding vaginal pessary fitting and care, you can contact us using the link below or directly via or phone contacts.