Saline infusion sonohysterography (SIS) is a special ultrasound technique used to evaluate the cavity of the uterus. This involves instilling sterile fluid into the uterine cavity while performing a transvaginal ultrasound scan. Saline is used to distend the cavity allowing for the shape and structure of the uterine cavity to be easily seen on ultrasound scan, with the aim of detecting any abnormalities.

Below is a list of conditions and corresponding abnormalities which may be detected via SIS:

  • Heavy or abnormal uterine bleeding – uterine polyps or fibroids
  • Infertility – intrauterine adhesions
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Miscarriages – abnormal uterine morphology (shape)

This procedure is generally performed in the office with oral pain relief. It shouldn’t be performed if you are pregnant or have an active vaginal infection. After the procedure you may experience mild spotting and abdominal cramping but major complications are rare.

If you would like to book a consultation regarding SIS or any of the above conditions, click the link below or contact us via phone contact.